๐‘š๐‘Ž๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘Ž ๐‘ค๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘‘

original character / golden trio era

carrd created by piper.



coming soon


to be added ...

magical info


house gryffindorblood status halfbloodbloodline woodwand 8 3/4', holly, phoenix tail feather

patronus buzzardamortentia coffee, spearmint, and dark chocolateboggart oliver's dead corpsem.o.e undecided


for marina, playing quidditch is almost like breathing. she's not necessarily the best player by any means, but she's good enough to make it on the gryffindor team in her fifth year (and was an alternate her third year). as she grew up around quidditch, she is a massive fan of the sport and even has a poster of her mother's team (and later, oliver's) up next to her bed.marina's main position is that of keeper, like her brother. her mother was a chaser, so growing up the two of them took turns blocking the goals from their mom. marina is also a fairly decent chaser, but the role of keeper makes her feel the most alive, the most joy.marina becomes known in her sixth year as starfish wood for a maneuver she pulls on the quidditch pitch. she masters the move starfish and stick, wherein the player holds onto their broom with only an ankle and one hand, spreading their body out in front of the goals to stop quaffles from getting passed. it's not a move many quidditch players use, as it is not only dangerous but also makes the broom extremely hard to control, but because of marina's aptitude in agility and speed, she is able to perform this move with more success than not. she is also good at the move known as the double eight loop, where the keeper swarms the three goalposts at a high speed to block the quaffle from scoring.


michael wood and felicity simmons met in their years at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. they were both prefects, one in gryffindor the other in ravenclaw, and they found that they just fit well together. michael was a scottish halfblood, felicity a muggleborn londoner who longed for a life in a rural town. after the felicityโ€™s first three seasons on the chudley cannons quidditch team, the two of them were married. it was such a big deal that it even made the front page of witch weekly and the daily prophet, as was the fact that a week later felicity joined the pride of portree quidditch team in order to be able to continue to play quidditch while living in scotland with her husband. โ€˜๐‘ โ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘ค๐‘Ž๐‘  ๐‘Ž๐‘™๐‘ค๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘  ๐‘ก๐‘œ๐‘œ ๐‘”๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘‘ ๐‘“๐‘œ๐‘Ÿ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘๐‘Ž๐‘›๐‘›๐‘œ๐‘›๐‘ โ€™, one daily prophet reporter wrote after the news broke to the wizarding world sports lovers.felicity and michael had quite the happy marriage; they were the kind of people to invite people over for large dinner parties on weekends and make big deals out of every holiday. they were encouraging, loud, and a beautiful couple. they resided in the scottish wizarding villiage of portree, which was hidden on the isle of skye in the muggle town of the same name. the views were stunning, and they often picnicked with cooked local fish they purchased from the nearby open air food market. they adored the serene life of living near the ocean in such a beautiful landscape, and when felicity wasnโ€™t traveling with the quidditch team she could often be found with michael just enjoying a day out in the sun and breeze.a few years after moving to portree, felicity was pregnant with their first child, oliver wood. oliver was the pride of felicity, and she took him to every practice and game that she could. the team, her coach, everyone that knew the woods loved oliver. there are multiple photos of the prides putting the boy on their shoulders, holding him by his ankles, teasing with him relentlessly while he had the largest smile on his face. they showered him with gifts and joy, all donning the role of aunts and uncles to him. then, in 1979, they had their second child, a daughter, and named her marina genevieve wood. marina was met with much of the same regard with her motherโ€™s teammates, but unlike oliver, people made her extremely anxious. itโ€™s not that she didnโ€™t have enjoyment with their jokes as her brother did, but an unplaceable anxiety would well up in her chest when she was around anyone that wasnโ€™t family. she would often pin herself to her older brotherโ€™s side, and as she grew older she began to pick up traits of her mother, her mothers friends, and oliver himself, finding herself to actually enjoy peopleโ€™s company once she overcame her own mental blocks. by the time oliver went off to hogwarts, she had become very accustomed and happy in large crowds and groups of people, even finding herself to be the center of attention in some circles.the prides became like family to the woods, especially league-renowned keeper meaghan mccormack and her family, who lived next door to the wood clan. meaghan lived with her brother, kirley, and daughter, catriona. marina loved hanging out at their house, and meaghan often showed marina and oliver how to play keeper so they could help their mum train or simply have a fun match in their own backyard. marina idolized meaghan, and fell in love with everything she did. she looked up to her, and had even started to call her โ€˜aunt meaghanโ€™ from a very young age.marina, ever the brother adoring sister, wrote to oliver nearly every day after he went off to hogwarts, using the family owl to converse with him. she would write about her day, their parents, whatever quidditch strategies her mother had taught her that day, the latest book she read, questions all about hogwarts, his friends, quidditch, and numerous other information she wanted to know. her mother had decided to homeschool oliver and marina when they were younger, teaching the two of them muggle academia along with some wizarding history and astronomy so they wouldnโ€™t fall behind once they arrived at hogwarts. marina immediately found fascination with the wizarding worldโ€™s history and how it interacted with muggle history. this would cause history to become the class that she succeeded most in, and eventually lead to a career in historical writing.any time felicity was traveling, she would take oliver (until he went off to school) and marina with her. as michael worked as a shoppe owner, he had to maintain his business by staying home. traveling was really therapeutic and good for marina. it helped her fully overcome her social anxiety, and she got to see more and more of the world she was so obsessed with, could physically touch history with her fingertips. in fact, marina would research wherever they were headed as best she could so she would be prepared for whatever environment and history she would be encountering. it was upon these travels that she met the weasley family; molly prewett (now weasley) has been a friend to michael and by proxy felicity in school. marina and felicity had run into mrs. weasley at a free meet-and-greet event, where a few of her children had come with her in order to get the autographs of the elite quidditch team. marina had quickly befriended ginny, fred, and george weasley upon meeting them, and after getting their address became frequent pen pals of them as well. the families became so close after that chance meeting that the woods frequented visits to the burrow, and even bought a small cottage nearby for marina and felicity to stay when they were traveling for quidditch in the area instead of having to stay at a bed and breakfast, and it soon became a bi-monthly trip for the two of them to visit the weasleys. marina even eventually discovered that charlie weasley had befriended her own brother, which meant that the woods and weasleys had even more reason to be so close. it was also during these trips that marina became closer to fred weasley, who she developed a small crush on over the years and would eventually go on to date when they were older.visit 'through the years' for her hogwarts days

through the years

hogwarts years

โ €year oneโ €marina, like her older brother, was sorted into gryffindor house upon arrival to hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. the hat considered putting the girl into ravenclaw like her mother, but realized her growing nerve and chivalry made her a better fit for gryffindor. many of her childhood friends were placed into other houses, which allowed marina to feel comfortable intermingling with people in houses outside of gryffindor. oliver took it upon himself to be her tour guide during her first week, making sure she had everything figured out, and could get to her classrooms easily and on time. the latter was a habit she would soon fall out of, much to oliver and every gryffindorโ€™s dismay when they noticed they were losing house points because of a chronically tardy first year. she wasnโ€™t half bad at keeping up with her coursework, though, so she was able to make up for her losing points by quickly gaining them back in classes. when flying lessons rolled around, her previous experience with meaghan, her mum, and her brother allowed her to master a broomstick pretty quickly and efficiently. she was not used to flying so high, but quickly adapted to it. she also began to form study groups, often within her own house but later in the year mingling with students from other houses (after all, they were all studying the same material).year twoin her second year, marina quickly learned that she was, in fact, terrible at herbology.
[ more to come ... ]

after the war

the devastation of the second wizarding war against lord voldemort took a tremendous toll on everyone involved. for marina wood, who had already been through so much during her last year at hogwarts, the battle of hogwarts was the last straw for her mental stasis. marina, unable to fully cope with the traumatic events of the war and of the battle, went into a two and a half month long catatonic state. during this time and the months of rehabilitation afterward, marina stayed at st. mungos hospital for maladies and injuries. she allowed very few visitors after she recovered from her catatonia; only her brother, parents, and very few friends were allowed visitation rights.after leaving st. mungos in october of 1998, marina finished the last of her schoolwork under the guidance of professor mcgonagall and graduated from hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. she was offered a position as a reserve player on the elite quidditch team the appleby arrows after oliver and her parents helped rehabilitate her and got her to finally use her broom and play quidditch again. from 2000 to 2002, marina played quidditch as a reserve player. in 2002, after the retirement of their current keeper, marina was offered the position as keeper of the appleby arrows which she accepted. throughout her career, marina often went up against her own brother (the stadiums were always at max capacity when the wood siblings were rivalling each other). though quidditch was marinaโ€™s primary profession, the fact that she lived through a horrific war itched at her. history had always been her greatest interest, and she had, in fact, lived through a very important piece of it. she felt it was her duty to record the goings on of the 1990s and what led to the rise and fall of voldemort for a second time.between quidditch seasons (and often during), marina set out to gather as much information as possible about the second wizarding war. even after her early quidditch retirement, she wrote and wrote and wrote on the topic. it wasnโ€™t until she published her first book, no wizard is born a muggle -- which explored the muggleborn experiences during the wizarding war -- that she and the rest of the wizarding world realized that marina wood was the leading historian on the second wizarding war. she had, in fact, gathered more information on the second war herself than had even been written about the first war in her first five years of research. she would go on to write over seventy books in her career, the most notable being accidentally the chosen one, an authorized biography about her close friend, harry potter; the fallen, a book about the fallen fifty wherein each chapter is dedicated to the life of each person who perished in the battle of hogwarts; and to be a soldier, which explored the lives and experiences of the children involved in the war on both the side of the death eaters and order of the phoenix.


hello everyone!my name is snow. i have around twelve years of writing online experience, and don't intend on stopping any time soon. marina genevieve wood is one of my favorite characters i have ever created, and lies very near and dear to my heart. thank you in advance for appreciating her and taking the time to read the information i've had the mental capacity to provide. it means more than you can imagine. <3also thank you piper for the carrd, love you longtime